June 2022 Monthly MP Meeting


Hawaiian Night- Be sure to wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt, sundress, and summer outfit. Stay after the meeting and network while enjoying a snowcone with Kona Ice

 1st Thursday of every month 7 pm

Cost: 1st Time Visitors is Free

Annual Membership is available.

We have an “MP MIXER” from 6:00 – 6:30 pm with food provided by a sponsor every month! Come early and get your extra door prize ticket for TWO chances to win! Be early so that you can visit the vendor tables and still get a great seat for the meeting.
Remember: all the money you will ever make will come from someone else. Meet and get to know as many other investors as you can. Do not forget to bring YOUR deals!
The Largest Real Estate Investors Association in Oklahoma City
www.meetup.com/MPREIA & www.mpmeeting.com