Single Family VS Multifamily


Saturday, January 22nd 9:30-12:00

Join Ed Zinnamon for an opportunity to hear about investing in single-family and multi-family properties. Ed has been involved in Real Estate Brokerage and Investing for over 30 years. He has been involved with over $350 million in transactions and worked with hundreds of investors locally and all over the country. His knowledge can help you set your goals and give you direction in moving forward with your investments.

In the class you will learn the following:
• How you could retire by investing in real estate
• How you could replace your full-time job by investing in real estate
• You will find out the differences and the similarities of how to get started investing in single-family or multi-family.
• How you can start with only a little money or get on the fast track with savings to invest
If you are brand new to real estate investing this is for you.
If you have been doing single-family and are considering transitioning to or including multi-family this is for you. Or
If you have already been doing both and would just like to hear a little more information or a refresher this is for you.

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